be[longing], New York University, Abu Dhabi, April-May 2022

What makes us feel like an insider or outsider – within a place, a community, or a group? How is this impacted by ephemeral moments, and how lasting could their impact be on our sense of self and belonging? Through recalling personal experiences of lockdown alone during the pandemic, with distinct imagery of textiles, New York City, and Persian patterns and calligraphy, the project explores the change in our perception of a place or an experience based on our feelings of (or lack of) belonging, and how that can shift or become distorted through time. It deals with the longing for connection, inclusion, and what one might call ‘home’. 

With special thanks to NYU Abu Dhabi Gallery.

This project consisted of paintings, video, a photography series, as well as two instillations.

select works are displayed below, for full exhibition information and works please send a request through the contact form or email